Web 2.0 Tools and Online Resources
Multimedia Posters
Presentation Tools
- HelloSlide – add audio to presentations by typing
- Vocaroo – Easily record podcasts without downloads. Can be used for speeches.
- Prezi – cloud presentation
- Animoto
- Sample
- PhotoPeach – Easy online slideshow/quiz creator - requires Flash
- Powtoon
- eMaze
- Padlet – brainstorming/note taking tool
- Gliffy – online collaborative graphic organizer
- How and Why - https://wiki.itap.purdue.edu/display/INSITE/Gliffy
- USA Geography - capitals, states, landscapes, presidents
- GeoGame - interactive middle school Geography game
- iCivics
- History Simulations
- Social Studies Central
State Resources - Resources for all 50 states
Election Links
World History
- CrashCourse - Short videos on world history
- The Best Websites for Teaching World History
- KidsPast.com
- Ancient Cultures
- Mesopotamia Jeopardy
- GreekQuest - A differentiated learning study of Ancient Greece
- Ancient Greece Timeline
- Ancient Greek Jeopardy
- Ancient Greek Jeopardy II
- Explore the Pyramids
- King Tut's Death Mystery
- Ancient Egypt Lesson Plans for Teachers
- Ancient Egypt Jeopardy
- Mr. Donn's Page
- Interactive Game - Fling the Teacher
- Ancient Roman Jeopardy
- Ancient Roman Jeopardy II
- Scribble Maps - Create live notations on a world map.
- Marble - virtual globe and world atlas
- TimeMaps - This site combines maps, timelines and chronological narratives.
- MapQuest World Atlas
- MapMaker
- Country Reports
- European Word Translator - interactive map
- Longitude and Latitude WebQuest
- Latitude and Longitude Distance Calculator
- Latitude/Longitude Resources
US History and Government
- Congress Inquiry-Based Learning Project
- Jamestown Online Adventure
- Pilgrim Hall Museum
- Civil War Quest - multi-level multimedia technology integrated project
- Civil War Revisited - Inquiry-based project
- Civil War Jeopardy
- Civil War Differentiated Learning Technology Internet Project
- U.S. Constitution Resources for Teachers
- Interactive Constitution
- U.S. Constitution test Review
- Virtual Tour of Washington D.C.
- CrashCourse - Short videos
- U.S. History.org
- This Day in History
- Digital History
- History Matters
- World History Matters
- Teaching History
- History Thinking Matters
Interactive Whiteboard
Resources gathered by Nancy Fitzgerald
- List of Social Studies Apps
- Geo Photo Explorer
- History Tools
- World Book - This Day in History
- Today's Document
- Map Projector
- U.S. Puzzle Map
Interactive Whiteboard
- LiveBinders.com – online binder/organizer
- Socrative – online student response system
- Google Docs – word processor, spreadsheet, presentation
- Edublogs
- Evernote – capture and save information
- How and Why
- Classtools.net - Create games, flash cards, interactives
- Plagiarism Checker
- QR Code Treasure Hunt
- History Engine
Resources gathered by Nancy Fitzgerald